

Departmental Activities :

Distribution of Seeds:

Distribution of subsidy seed through Dkrishi app to farmers in every season.

e-crop booking:

In order to update village wise  Agriculture crops farmers data, village level field surveys are being conducted and the same is being  uploaded in e Crop-UDP website so that farmers can benefits of all Govt. Sponsored Schemes like Rythy Barosa, Insurance, Compensation for Crop lossed during Natural Calamities and Paddy procurment etc.

Fertilizer Supply Plan :

To ensure smooth supply of fertilizers in the district without any scarcity, the Mandal wise fertilizer requirement has been assessed and to meet the requirement the month wise fertilizer supply plan is prepared.  Monitoring of fertilizer stocks as per the plan is done at district level.

Green manure-: ( in Qtls)

To improve the soil fertility status Green manure seed (Daincha, Sunhemp, Pillipesara) is being distributed on Subsidy through Biometric system only.

Crop Cutting Experiments:

To conduct Crop Cutting experiments at village level in Agriculture crops to obtain yields in order to maintain National crop production details which will be useful in calculating Gross Value Addition (GVA). and also Govt. taking CC yields for calculating crop insurance.


In order to ensure supply of quality inputs to the farmers and to curb the flow of spurious inputs in the district, frequent inspections of the input outlets are conducted regularly and samples are also being drawn.

Summer Pulses :

Encouraging pulse crops in  Rabi paddy fallows.


is aimed at reducing the cost of cultivation by 10-15% and enhancing the net profit by 10-15% per acre. It also aims at minimizing the use of plant protection chemicals to reduce the cost of cultivation and to save the environment.

Farm Mechanization:

To provide technology to facilitate Agriculture through efficient utilization of inputs and timeliness of operations besides reducing human drudgery. Under this programme. Tractor drawn farm implements, Power tillers, Oil engines, Paddy Transplanters, Weeders, Sprayers are being supplied to farmers under subsidy. Community Hiring centres” at Village level with an objective to promote Farm Mechanisation in all the villages and to make the machinery available to all farmers in the village on hiring basis.

The maximum outlay of the project is Rs.15.00 Lakhs. Government provides 40% subsidy(Rs.6.00 Lakhs) to the Community Hiring centres. The farmers group shall remit 10%(Rs.1.50 Lakhs) of the CHC unit cost as margin money. The CHC group can avail 50% as bank loan(Rs.7.50 Lakhs).

Natural Calamties:

To conduct enumeration of Agriculture crops damages occurs due to Cyclones  Heavy Rains, Winds, Godavari Floods and unforeseen Calamities.

Natural Farming:

To reduce the cost of cultivation in various crops and to improve the net incomes for the farmers there by improving the livelihood status of the farmers by promoting organic farming methods in a phased manner in selected clusters.

Trainings & Exposure visits to farmers:

To acquaint farmers on latest Technologies and to create awareness through DRC.


 SSSM & AR Farm, located at Samalkot, produces foundation seed every year. Paddy foundation seed distributed under Seed Village Programme for East Godavari and adjacent districts.


To improve the knowledge of farmers and to conduct trainings and field visits.


To minimize the indiscriminate use of pesticides and to check the pest problems in all Agro ecological situations through Biological means, the B.C.L.,Kakinada has taken up the production of Bio-agents and BFL, Samalkota has taken up the Biofertilisers.


The latest released/pre released varieties are supplied through minikits on free of cost to farmers and test the variety at farmer level and submit feed back to  Universities and ARS in the state.

Flagship programmes :

YSR RythuBharosa:

The Government of Andhra Pradesh had providing financial assistance to the famer families including tenant farmers across the state @Rs.13,500/- per farmer family per year to support the cultivators in meeting the investment during crop season. Out of Rs.13,500/-Rupees, Rs.6,000/- will be assisted through PM-Kisan and the remaining amount of Rs.7500/- from the Govt. of AP. Rs.13,500/ amount given to Tenant & ROFR farmers.

YSR – SunnaVaddi PantaRunalu (SVPR)” Scheme:

The Government of AP is implementing the “YSR – SunnaVaddi Panta Runalu (SVPR)” Scheme wef. Kharif 2019 to Kharif 2020under which the interest subsidy for the crop loans up to Rs.1.00 lakh will be transferred directly to the accounts of farmers who have repaid their loans in time (maximum period of one year from date of disbursement of crop loan).


        The government announced Rs 7, 00,000 to assist the families of the suicide committed farmers due to farm debts.

 Brief notes on State Govt. schemes implemented:

The following are the Centrally Sponsored Sate Govt. Schemes.

PMFBYPradhan Mantri Fasali bheema Yojana :   

To provide financial support to all the farmers who are growing the notified crops like paddy ,cotton, maize etc., the crop loss due to natural calamities , pests and diseases are assessed and are financially supported through this insurance scheme. Now the scheme is renamed in the state “Dr. YSR Vuchita Pantala Bima Padhakam” and the farmers who are covered in e- crop are all eligible in this scheme. who are cultivating Agriculture crops as notified by  the Agriculture and  Cooperation department for insurance coverage in the specified areas by the State government and it is implementing from Kharif 2020 onwards.


All the cultivators growing above crops in the notified areas, and whose details recorded through e-crop (approved after the social audit) and after successful Aadhar biometric authentication became eligible for coverage under Crop Insurance Scheme and no separate enrollment required.

RKVY – Rastreeya Krishi vikas yojana :  

RKVY scheme supports the forming community with the high cost machinery, RKVY supports the farmers in procuring the high cost farm machinery under subsidy. Establishment of Cluster Level CHCs with Combined Harvesters through farmer groups in Paddy growing district during 2021-22.

  • The maximum outlay of the project is Rs.25.00 Lakhs.

PKVY – Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana:

It is a sub component of Soil Health Scheme (SHC) under National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture aims at development of sustainable models of organic farming through a mix of traditional wisdom and modern science to ensure long term soil fertility build up.

Soil Health Card :

Under the soil health card scheme major, micro nutrients analyzed  and the soil test data is interpreted for integrated nutrient management of crops. During the 2019-20 , Modal villages programme on pilot   basis has been taken up under Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme.

Contact details (mobile, e-mail, website)  

      Name of HOD  :         N.Vijaya Kumar

      Designation     :          Joint Director of Agriculture

      Headquarter    :         Kakinada

      Mobile No.       :        8331056483

      Email id           :        mailto: jdakkdego[at]gmail[dot]com.

Success story of community Hiring centre

Name of the CHC : Sri Veeranjaneya CHC

RBK Village : Bellamoudi, P.Gannavaram

 Procured machinery value( total cost)   : Rs.13,75000/-

Amount of subsidy                                      : Rs.5,25,800/-

Subsidy released                                          : Rs.5,25,800/-

Names of the implements procured

Paddy Transplanter                      : 2

 Power tillers                                  : 3

 Rotovator                                       : 1

 Names of the implements utilized many times as of now implements   – no of times utilized

Paddy Transplanter               : 30

 Power tillers                            : 10

 Rotovator                                :  5

No of farmers utilized                 : 30

Hiring charges collected             : Rs 1,16,500/-

 Transplanter                            : Rs.3000/- per Acre,

 Power tillers                            : Rs.2200/- per Acre

 Rotovator                                : Rs.900/- per Acre

Major crops cultivating                         : Paddy

Contact person  details:

Name & Phone number  Pithani satyanarayana :9989075406